Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nervous Nelly

I can fully appreciate the fears an expectant mother has. Humor me for a second and consider if you were to give birth to a 2 year old... Walking, talking, personality to the max and multiplied by two.... Admit it, you'd be even more scared. :-) 

I'm a bundle of nerves. I'd like to think that travel approval will lead to some relief but, I doubt it. 😜 I won't speak for Rob too, but based on our on-edged-ness in general, I'd say we are BOTH nervous. I look at the week ahead of me and am not sure how I'll accomplish it all... My mom is hosting the shower at her house ( it's Saturday @2, come if you want to!)  so I've got to help her get that ready, she has, in turn, promised to get my house ready while we are gone. I've no choice but to let her, though I wish it wasn't so. Shower, travel arrangements (if we get TA tomorrow ), packing, organizing, cleaning, praying, etc... Thankfully my work is so very understanding. I have the best boss! Some time Monday afternoon I'll begin my maternity leave which will help me accomplish all that I need to. 

The undercurrent of the week is the awesome, amazing thought that soon, I will be a mommy. A mommy. Wow. A dream come true. So, now that the dream has come true, what do I do?!?!  I'm so worried I'll not know what to do and since they're mobile what if I don't pay attention for one second. Sheesh. Normally I'd be busy dreading a 14 hour flight. I'm actually looking forward to having 14 hours to prepare my mind and heart for the gift(s) of a lifetime. Life hasn't lent itself to much reflection time in the last 9 months.... I'm looking forward to catching up. 

As you pray this week, if you could add this to your list, I'd be grateful. 
1) pray for travel approval on Monday. 
2) pray that the pieces of this crazy puzzle will fall into place. 
3) pray that God will multiply the hours of my days so that I can get done with time to breathe 
4) pray for our girls transition, that God will supernaturally let them know us. 
5) pray for whatever else I should be asking you to pray for. 😄

We did get the girls room 80% done, here are some pics but know that they don't do it justice! Still need safety rails and some stuff hung on the walls! I put out all my old collectible dolls from my childhood. Even my original cabbage patch kids! Haha. It's sure fun putting it together. 

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