Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Olivia update!

Here's our updated pics of our youngest, Olivia! Loot at that CRAZY Hair!! HAHA

According to the update she is doing well.  After LOA we can ask 5 questions and request some new pictures.  They answered one of our  Oh well.  We will figure it out soon enough.

Here's her updated Info:
*She's getting over a fever but healthy now
*She can walk and go up and down stairs with support
*She is babbling and can say Mama
*She likes playing outside.  Plants and flowers make her happy.
*Being "snatched" by others makes her upset (i've no idea what that means but i'm pretty sure it would make   me upset too.)
*She sleeps in a crib by herself.

It's amazing how much you can fall in love with someone through a picture. But... you're falling... aren't you? Who can blame you, she's adorable!! :-)

We are currently waiting on our i800 provisional approval to adopt these two specific beauties.  That's on the Department of Homeland Security side.  After a few more little steps it will go back to China for approval to Travel! EEK.  Could be anytime in August... unless there's a slow down or a mess up and then it could be pushed to September.

We are getting things ready.. well, I am, Rob has been working lots but that will help get us there! Speaking of that... We have launched our Tshirt fundraiser again!! We are SO grateful to everyone that purchased a shirt last go-round! Thank you again and again.  After the sale ended, we had several people mention that they wished they had gotten one.  To those of you who still want one... NOW is your chance!! We have about 12 days to sell about 44 more shirts or it's a no-go.  They are really soft and comfy shirts! Heck.. go ahead and get two! :-)


This is a few of our supporters last round.  I know I'm missing some pictures, i've had a heck of a time relocating the pictures on Facebook.. i'll get there, or feel free to email them to me!! 

Hopefully your next update will be soon and will be filled with good news! Thanks for following along this incredible adventure with us!

With Love and Excitement 
Jenn & Rob

Thursday, June 12, 2014

God is great.

So... I'm a sensitive, weepy mess lately. I'm so very aware of how God is touching our lives. It's surreal. I can't talk about adoption, read about adoption, hear about adoption without crying. ha! sheesh.  Lord Help me!

We are weeks from becoming parents. My prayer is that God prepares the hearts of our girls for us...for life on Team Taylor!  It's going to be an incredible adventure and I cannot wait for it to begin.  The good, the bad, the ugly! We are ready!!

Of course, watching videos like this, doesn't help. <-------click the link!!!
It's a really great gotcha day video! Watch it if you can! 

In other news.... Our girls officially have "God parents" 
Katie and Matt Wiatt will be awesome Godparents to our girls! We are so excited and know that they are perfect for the role. I know they'll be great and Emily and Olivia will love them as much as we do!

Katie and I go way back. She was a youth when I first started as Youth Director at UMC OF THE Palm Beaches. David ( her dad) was the pastor of the church. We became quick friends sisters and after she graduated she helped out with the youth group.  We've had so many awesome experiences over the years from crazy adventures... to getting to be a Bridesmaid in her wedding.  Matt is just as awesome as Katie... He had to be special to capture her heart.  It's been so cool to get to have an inside track in their relationship since the very beginning.  I can remember the night Matt asked David for permission to marry Katie.  Katie and I were on the phone with her dad in the other room... ahh... fun times.  Katie and I have often been accused of being sisters (along with Molly) something i'm always honored to be accused of :-).  Our relationship has been an important part of my life from day one! 

We are truly truly honored to have Matt and Katie have such and important role in the lives of our children.  Thank you Katie and Matt.. from the bottom of our hearts!!

In adoption news... our i800 was sent today.  This is an application for permission from the US government to adopt a specific child/children.  This should be granted in a couple of weeks.  Fingers Crossed.  I fully intend to pester/annoy every person that I can between here and China until I get my hands on my sweet girls.  The faster... the better!

This is the most awesome thing i've EVER been a part of... and i've been a part of some pretty awesome stuff! ;-) 

With joy and excitement!
Jenn & Rob

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


This is the face of one HAPPY mama! 

Today... We got our LOA (letter of acceptance!) !

<insert happy dance here!>

To celebrate...
I'm watching it sprinkle from the garage with a glass of Pinot. Terribly exciting celebration!  Rob is STILL at work. That's the kicker with rain here. We need it desperately but/and rain= overtime= I NEVER see Rob. (That's NOT a complaint, I'm grateful for Gods provision!) So.. I saw my husband briefly today when I tracked him down to sign our LOA and now the celebration goes on without him. 😃 Don't feel bad for me, I've got 6 dogs inside just waiting to join in. Mom and joe have gone down to MD Anderson in Houston for cancer check ups and dr visits, so their dogs are joining the Taylor clan. 😁 I wish they were here though. 

I'm so very excited about this step. The long waits are gone. We still have "10-14" weeks (I'm determined to make it faster) until "GOTCHA DAY" but this is the home stretch! We.  Are.  About. To.. Be.. Parents.. HOLY COW THATS CRAZY! 

I'm in full nesting mode. Making the bed every day. Planting flowers. Cleaning. Decluttering. I'm getting there. (It's REALLY WEIRD FOR ME)

Our agency celebrated their 11,000th adoption yesterday. That's amazing. I'm honored to be a part of such an organization. I'm excited to help them be 2 closer to 12,000! 

I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm in awe of the AMAZING God I serve. HE truly is faithful... Even if not in my time!😃😄

With Love and Excitement! 
Jenn& Rob 

P.s.  We are coming Olivia and Emily! 

Now....more rain! Thank you Lord!

...and just like that,a sign of God'spromise!