Wednesday, June 11, 2014


This is the face of one HAPPY mama! 

Today... We got our LOA (letter of acceptance!) !

<insert happy dance here!>

To celebrate...
I'm watching it sprinkle from the garage with a glass of Pinot. Terribly exciting celebration!  Rob is STILL at work. That's the kicker with rain here. We need it desperately but/and rain= overtime= I NEVER see Rob. (That's NOT a complaint, I'm grateful for Gods provision!) So.. I saw my husband briefly today when I tracked him down to sign our LOA and now the celebration goes on without him. 😃 Don't feel bad for me, I've got 6 dogs inside just waiting to join in. Mom and joe have gone down to MD Anderson in Houston for cancer check ups and dr visits, so their dogs are joining the Taylor clan. 😁 I wish they were here though. 

I'm so very excited about this step. The long waits are gone. We still have "10-14" weeks (I'm determined to make it faster) until "GOTCHA DAY" but this is the home stretch! We.  Are.  About. To.. Be.. Parents.. HOLY COW THATS CRAZY! 

I'm in full nesting mode. Making the bed every day. Planting flowers. Cleaning. Decluttering. I'm getting there. (It's REALLY WEIRD FOR ME)

Our agency celebrated their 11,000th adoption yesterday. That's amazing. I'm honored to be a part of such an organization. I'm excited to help them be 2 closer to 12,000! 

I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm in awe of the AMAZING God I serve. HE truly is faithful... Even if not in my time!😃😄

With Love and Excitement! 
Jenn& Rob 

P.s.  We are coming Olivia and Emily! 

Now....more rain! Thank you Lord!

...and just like that,a sign of God'spromise!

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