Sunday, August 6, 2017

Happy Birthday Henry!

Henry's birthday is an amazing influx of emotions for me. For him, I hope and strive for all joy and fun. My goal: that he feel loved and his heart be full... that he knows that we celebrate his life.  My heart wanders though. I think about his birth mama. I try to grasp the depth of her heartache as she knew this was a baby she wouldn't keep. Maybe he was the third child.. not allowed by the laws of her country. Maybe his heart was too sick and she knew she wouldn't be able to care for him medically. Whatever the reason she walked away that day , my heart hurts a for her. There's a saying I'm sure you've seen me post before. My prayer for her today is that her heart will be comforted, that somehow the Lord will assure her that he is LOVED!

Henry had no idea what this was all about. We went all out since it's his first bday with a family and first one celebrated! Last year was so hard knowing he was ours but that we couldn't be with him. This year made my heart complete! 
Sisters have thoroughly enjoyed helping celebrate 🎉 his day! 

The cake.... he was all neat and tidy at first but soon enough, he went to town and had a blast with his smash cake!  I was worried we would be up late with a tummy ache but he made it through no problem

After breakfast with family we opened presents. These were his first presents to open and the girls were chomping at the bit to help. He said "WOW!" Multiple times! It was so much fun to watch him!

What a great few days. Family in town, friends dropping by, memories made and remembered. 

I LOVE ❤️ LOVE ❤️ LOVE ❤️ my family. My heart is so very full. Pressed down shaken together and overflowing! 

Happy second Birthday sweet boy. Here's to many many more together. We love you big!