Monday, August 18, 2014


Well, we survived the first 24 hours.  Whew.
 as soon as we got back to the hotel, some dads went to get congee for the babies and other dads went to get lunch for the adults.  Team work! After everyone's bellies were full, there was nap time.

After nap time, there was play time.  Olivia isn't really sure of it all.  This is probably the one and only time she has let Rob hold her without throwing a fit. :-) 

We have to keep reminding ourselves that they are scared and unsure of what is going on.  Their surroundings are unfamiliar.  The sounds and smells and people they were used to are gone.  That's a lot for anyone to take in.  All the babies are dealing differently.  It's truly heartbreaking to watch. We are rallying together and supporting each other.  This is the hard part of adoption.

Emily is smart, she can work those stacking cups like  nobody's business! :-)

She's already becoming a Daddy's girl.  She's pretty easy going but seems to enjoy fun with Daddy!

After a bath and fresh pj's... everyone was fast asleep!

This morning we got dressed and headed down to breakfast.  Today is adoption day, where it all becomes final. That bow lasted about 30 seconds, she wasn't impressed!

They are great eaters.  Olivia likes to store food in her cheeks so we have to watch her, Emily will keep eating as long as you'll give it to her. I'm getting the hang of it all, I keep forgetting snacks and such.  I'll get there, but I told the only experienced mom on the trip to please tell me when i do something wrong. :-) 

This is our first official family portrait.  Those little red envelopes mean that they are officially a Taylor!

Well, i'm going to get some rest while everyone is napping.  We have to go apply for Emily's passport in about a half hour.  Thanks so much for the prayers and support.

Please pray for our patience, mine in particular.  It's hard when one little one doesn't want you more than 2 inches away.  Pray for our family and the other families as we work through the kinks and help the babies learn to trust that we are going to be here for them forever.  

We should have some down time in the next few days aside from "official" business, today we apply for Emily's passport and tomorrow morning to apply for Olivia's.  After that, we don't have a whole lot on the agenda.  We will probably stroll to the park and try to get the babies lots of sunshine and fresh (ish) air! 

with Love and happiness,
The Taylors 


  1. Praying! Hang in there...I have been in the same hotel room with our 2 for 9 days. It gets easier but feel free to take a minute and hide in the bathroom and cry, shred a towel, shower, play solitaire on your phone...PRAY, whatever helps. Your babies are beautiful and you can do this!

  2. I remember seeing Emily in March 2014...she was so afraid of men (cried when a man came into the room). And now she seems to be a daddy's girl it! Many prayers for you both, you are doing great! These first days are hard but hang in there, it's gonna be okay! Big hug from the Netherlands :)
