Sunday, December 29, 2013

How Quickly, Yet...How Slow

It's amazing how QUICKLY we have fallen in love with a little girl we've never met, miles and miles away.  She's included in our prayers in our thoughts in every beat of our hearts.  We are excited and anxious to hold, cuddle and kiss her sweet face! 

Every day I catch Rob gazing at her pictures and smiling the smile of a proud Daddy.  That's an awesome and beautiful thing to see.  Rob is known for showing my picture to anyone who will look.  I was somewhere in town recently and had 3 women i've never met come up to me and say "Oh!!! You're ROB'S wife, I recognize you from your pictures" Ha! I kind of feel like a celebrity around town when that happens (though it's slightly embarrassing :-) ).  Well, we are a week into this and I have a feeling I've already been demoted.  It will be her picture he shows to the world, I love it!

It's sort of hard to wrap your mind around.  One day we're going about our lives then BAM... a phone call changes everything and you become parents.  She is certainly growing in our hearts every single day.  Soon we will have pre approval from China and we'll be able to share her sweet face with you and tell you more about her.  We pray that God will prepare her for us just as He is preparing us for her! It's been a long time since I felt like I was in God's presence like I do right now. 

 I can feel Him and see him in every step of our journey.  I feel like some how i stepped right into his plan.  I saw a quote several years ago that stuck with me me, it said "Faith in God includes faith in HIS timing" How true is that! I've always known, even in my restless moments, that God's timing is perfect.  I'm learning more about that every day.  We've got so much to do to prepare for this little life coming into ours but each and every thing we do has such wonderful purpose.  The love and excitement is coming quickly!

The paperwork... well that's pretty slow.  We are praying like crazy that God will supernaturally intervene and speed things up! I know that's the prayer of every adoptive parent but we are still hopeful! It seems there's a million corrections to make and then more to re-do.  We're getting there, home study should be submitted for approval this week.  Documents are being sent here and there for "sealing" and it's almost time to send off for our I800A which is permission from the US govt to adopt a child internationally.  That process takes some time.  We hear the wait might be speeding up... I hope "they" are right! 

We covet your prayers.  For our little girl, first and foremost, and for the process that gets her in our arms as well.  

With love and excitement,

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I have 3 friends who have adopted from China. Im so happy for you both! Many blessings, Angie Brice
