Saturday, December 7, 2013

3 things.

There's three things that have seemed to stick in my mind since we began this process.  Things that cross my mind multiple times a day.  I thought i'd share them.

#1 There's an old chinese proverb that says "An invisible Red Thread connects those that are destined to meet, regardless of the time, the place or the circumstance.  The thread may stretch and tangle but it will never break".  A friend of mine that is helping me in this journey (Leah, i'm looking at you!) made the statement (in the decision making process) that our child is OUR child no matter if they are in China, across the street, or if they come from my womb. When i read this soon after it just stuck with me.... I believe it's true.  I believe there IS an invisible red thread.  We are navigating the twists and tangles right now, but at the other end is the child we are destined to meet.

#2 In one of the many blogs I follow I was reading about a family that is currently IN China.  They were headed to meet their precious little one and were telling the guide that they'd learned how to say I love You in Mandarin.  The guide explained that they needed to understand that their daughter would most likely not understand what that phrase meant.  Most likely, she has never heard those three words in her life.  That breaks my heart to pieces.  I dont know if our little one has already been born or if they're sitting in an orphanage waiting to be found.  I wish, with all that is in me, that she would know that she is LOVED.  Throughout my life I have KNOWN that I was loved.  There's never been a day that I didnt know that.  It's rips at my heart to know that not only our little one is starting off not knowing but that there are 143 million+ orphans in our world who do not know what it is like to be loved.  I plan on spending the rest of my days changing that for at least one of them.  (maybe two.. but that's a story for another day :-)) 

#3  This quote I came across "But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through." Francis Chan, Crazy Love ... this quote has touched a deep part of me.  We truly are in a situation where if He doesn't come through... we're in trouble.  I.  Know.  HE.  WILL.  Rob and i both have peace that passes understanding.  I'm not anxious (today)... I'm not worried (today)... I just know that God has brought us here and He has it under control.

These three things are nestled in my heart as i go through the detailed paperwork and red tape thread. :-) One thing at a time.  Documents are being processed.  Jennifer Taylor is being organized.  Believe it people, it's a MIRACLE!! Each day brings us closer.  

With love and excitement,


  1. We are CCAI group 3 (1994). When our daughter, Zoe, was placed in our arms it was an instant understanding that she IS our child and we did not conceive a biological child because we had to find her! And that we did. She was 4 months and 2 weeks old in October 1994. She is now a 19 year old college student, beautiful, brilliant, talented, kind and much more. Every step of the journey is more than worth the time it takes. Your child may not even be born yet, but he/she is your child and you will instantly know that! Wishing you the best!
    Patricia Lyman
