Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting close!

We are getting close. So very close. 

Today the group of adoptive parents just ahead of us got their Travel Approval.  They are leaving for China next Wednesday. We will have our article5 pick up next Monday and then begin out TA wait. While they have been relatively predictable recently, this part is unpredictable. It's the hardest, obviously, because it's the last step. Wow, did you hear that? LAST STEP! But I have to prepare myself. It could be a week, it could be three days, it could be three weeks. God's ways are not my ways, ha!

I've made so many wonderful friends through this journey! Some that will travel after us and some that we might just get to travel together and meet face to face! These women... They're amazing. They keep me sane (ish) haha. Some have adopted before and are my compass in this adventure. Some are newbies right along with me and we share in the wonder, frustration, and excitement  in every step. I can't wait to see who I'll be traveling with. I'm hoping God has some experienced mommies and daddies in mind for us (I'm looking at you Katie Green!) Lord knows we will need help, advice, etc! It's an incredible community to be a part of. There are not words to describe it.

So... We are getting close to having the house ready, there will be a garage sale, baby shower, packing, much praying, crying and laughing.  I cannot believe that in a matter of a few weeks we will get on a plane, a couple, just the two of us and come home parents of TWO! I love how God works. I love that when His plan is revealed, it's ALWAYS better than what I had in mind. 

I saw this poem on fb recently, it touched me so.  God's hand is all over this, I can see it, I can feel it in every fiber of my being. 


Please continue to pray for our girls. That God will prepare them, that they will somehow, supernaturally know us. That He will comfort them and keep them safe. Pray for the end part of our process. That there will be no more slow downs and we will be on our way to China in the next few weeks.  

Thank you all, thanks for praying, buying tshirts, cheering us on! We love you and appreciate you! Thanks for being a part of such an important part of our lives.  

With Love and Excitement, 

Jenn & Rob

1 comment:

  1. I honestly cannot believe how fast this went! (in retrospect! lol) I am so excited to see you guys go get your girls! God bless your sweet family! <3
