Ok, i'll get better with pictures, i'm SOOOOOO exhausted and can't think to get out the camera!
So... the flights. The first leg from Guangzhou to Seoul was... uhm... terrible. Emily was very restless and we had requested the bulkhead row so that we could utilize the bassinet. Sounded like a good idea only you can't put the baby in the bassinet if the seatbelt sign is ON.. well, it was ON about 3 hours of the 3.5 hour flight. That meant I had to hold her. Whew.. so tiring. We promptly asked for a seat change on the next leg. Regular seat, with arm rests that raise so the girls could put their heads in our laps and feet up. Never mind the leg room. We needed to be able to move around more.
The next leg.. the 13 hour one was as good as it could be. We were blessed with a half empty plane so Rob and Emily got a row and Me and Olivia got a row behind them. We were able to spread out and play and sleep some. Honestly, service on an airline doesn't get any better than Korean Air. They were helpful, kind, understanding, amazing. Emily was pretty restless but Olivia settled down pretty well so needless to say, I got more sleep than Rob did.
As soon as we landed in Houston it felt like a weight was lifted. Our Friend Shala greeted us with her kiddos and mom and WHAT a welcome home party it was! Fairy wings, bows, bubbles and tutu's... and MUCH MUCH more!! The girls loved it! Even Olivia ventured out away from me! Aunt ShaSha (shala) has some paybacks for "uncle" Rob.. Rob has done his best to spoil her kids and give them things she'd rather them not have. Ha! Boy did she load up with lots of fun stuff and then candy on the way to the other airport. We flew into Bush Int. and had to transfer to Hobby... she was our shuttle both ways! Such a great friend. I know the girls will adore their aunt shasha.. they're well on their way.
After the airport transfer we loaded up for the last of the flights. Two legs. Both went as well as can be expected. We were beyond ready to get home and in our own space!
The girls loved looking out the windows.
My mom and Joe picked us up at the airport and helped get us and our 10 tons of "stuff" home. So thankful we didn't have to drive ourself that last 80 miles!
It was wonderful walking into our home. My mom spent a ton of time over the last few weeks getting everything put back together and cleaned up. Felt like i walked into someone else's house! So thankful for her taking care of everything that I couldn't manage to get accomplished before we left!
We are working on sleeping and settling in. It's going to be a process. We accidentally took a 5 hour nap today. I thought the girls would nap a couple hours so Rob and I napped with them. My mom called at FIVE O'CLOCK! Did NOT mean to do that!
I'm afraid the fur babies are going to take longer than I'd like. We tried one of the four today... uhmm... not so good. We will work on it.
Thanks for all the "welcome homes" and encouragement and love!!
We love you all!
The Taylors!