Sunday, August 31, 2014

The trip home and first day

Ok, i'll get better with pictures, i'm SOOOOOO exhausted and can't think to get out the camera!

So... the flights.  The first leg from Guangzhou to Seoul was... uhm... terrible.  Emily was very restless and we had requested the bulkhead row so that we could utilize the bassinet.  Sounded like a good idea only you can't put the baby in the bassinet if the seatbelt sign is ON.. well, it was ON about 3 hours of the 3.5 hour flight.  That meant I had to hold her.  Whew.. so tiring.  We promptly asked for a seat change on the next leg.  Regular seat, with arm rests that raise so the girls could put their heads in our laps and feet up.  Never mind the leg room.  We needed to be able to move around more.

The next leg.. the 13 hour one was as good as it could be.  We were blessed with a half empty plane so Rob and Emily got a row and Me and Olivia got  a row behind them.  We were able to spread out and play and sleep some.  Honestly, service on an airline doesn't get any better than Korean Air.  They were helpful, kind, understanding, amazing.  Emily was pretty restless but Olivia settled down pretty well so needless to say, I got more sleep than Rob did.

As soon as we landed in Houston it felt like a weight was lifted.  Our Friend Shala greeted us with her kiddos and mom and WHAT a welcome home party it was! Fairy wings, bows, bubbles and tutu's... and MUCH MUCH more!! The girls loved it! Even Olivia ventured out away from me! Aunt ShaSha (shala) has some paybacks for "uncle" Rob.. Rob has done his best to spoil her kids and give them things she'd rather them not have.  Ha! Boy did she load up with lots of fun stuff and then candy on the way to the other airport.  We flew into Bush Int. and had to transfer to Hobby... she was our shuttle both ways! Such a great friend.  I know the girls will adore their aunt shasha.. they're well on their way.

After the airport transfer we loaded up for the last of the flights.  Two legs.  Both went as well as can be expected.  We were beyond ready to get home and in our own space!

The girls loved looking out the windows. 

My mom and Joe picked us up at the airport and helped get us and our 10 tons of "stuff" home.  So thankful we didn't have to drive ourself that last 80 miles!

It was wonderful walking into our home.  My mom spent a ton of time over the last few weeks getting everything put back together and cleaned up.  Felt like i walked into someone else's house! So thankful for her taking care of everything that I couldn't manage to get accomplished before we left!

We are working on sleeping and settling in.  It's going to be a process.  We accidentally took a 5 hour nap today.  I thought the girls would nap a couple hours so Rob and I napped with them.  My mom called at FIVE O'CLOCK! Did NOT mean to do that!

 I'm afraid the fur babies are going to take longer than I'd like.  We tried one of the four today... uhmm... not so good.  We will work on it.  

Thanks for all the "welcome homes" and encouragement and love!! 
We love you all!

The Taylors!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Our last day in China

Dear Emily and Olivia,

I can't believe we've come to the end of the 2.5 week adventure in your country.  While i'm glad to go back to Texas, I'm a little sad to leave such a special place.  China will forever hold a very special place in my heart... It's where I met the loves of my life! YOU!!  It has been an incredible journey.  It feels like months ago we met and it was just a couple weeks ago.  I can't remember what life was like without you.  You've both settled right in with us and while there've been some tears, I think you like us! :-) We LOVEEEEE you! No doubt about it!

The country you come from is beautiful.  The landscape, the culture, the people.  We weren't sure what to expect but we have really enjoyed learning all about it and cannot wait to teach you about where you come from.  Your culture and heritage will always be a part of your life.  We really want you to remember and know all about your background and the land of your birth.  You may get annoyed with us, but we think it's important.

We said goodbye yesterday to the other families in our group.  It felt like saying goodbye to part of our family.  Daddy and I REALLY hope to stay in touch throughout the years so that you can always know the other kids you shared in this experience with.

Here we are killing time in the hotel. There are so many more adventures for team Taylor. We have only just begun! 

Now...about this airplane ride... We'd like you to sleep and giggle the whole 17 hours, k? K! :-) 

We love you sweet babies...more than you will ever know!

Until next time China! 

The Taylor's 

Goodbyes and last minute shopping...

Today we had to say goodbye to 3 of the 5 families in our group.  We've been together for the last 2 and a half weeks and with the magnitude of what we've been through... there's a bond for sure.  We're all very different but I couldn't have asked for a better travel group.  I truly adore each one of them.  One other family joined us here in Guangzhou and they have fit right in! Rich is here adopting his 14 year old son that I spoke about in a previous blog post.  Rich has amazed us all.  This is his 7th adoption and 9th child.  Can you imagine how much fun Christmas is at their house? :-) 

Anyway... 3 of the families left and we were really sad to see them go.  It was all we could do not to cry when they drove off.  We have become a family and helped each other through the good, the bad, and the ugly of adopting a world away! They headed to Hong Kong where they will fly out of Hong Kong in the next day or so. Great people... and i'm certain lifelong friends. Of course our girls have been betrothed to a couple of the boys :-) lol.  

Today Rob and I and the girls went back to Shaiman Island for a little more walking around and shopping.  Had to get a couple of gifts for family... everyone has surely helped out with all that we left at home... Side note: I REALLLYYYY miss my fur babies!! A LOT!!

This sign cracks me up... absolutely NO trumpeting on Shaiman Island.  Good thing we only brought a french horn and some drums! :-) No idea why it's there... 

There's a statue that most adoptive families get a picture of their kiddos with... well, in true Taylor fashion, they did not cooperate. 

Shopping isn't their favorite thing... but they did get a short nap in!

After that outing we received our children's visas and said our goodbyes and then had dinner with the remaining part of our group.  Tomorrow we have NOTHING on the agenda but packing and making the girls run as much energy out as possible.  Hopefully by the time we board the plane they'll be exhausted.  We should arrive back in the USA around 8:40am Saturday Morning. 

It's so amazing how they're changing.  They're really starting to feel like they've always been a part of our family.  Even though it's only been a couple weeks.. I really can't remember life without them.  Crazy, huh? My gosh I love them.

Prayers for travel of course.. most importantly the poor passengers that will have to be on that flight with us.  Pray also for Emily, she's kind of turned a corner and started her grief process.  She's refusing most things, demanding others... just trying to wrap her little brain around what's going on and why all this change is happening.  Livvy is settling in great.  She is letting Rob hold her and even playing with him when she thinks I'm not watching.  She is venturing out on her own a little which gives me a bit of  breathing room.  Looks like her grief process was in the beginning... and Em's is going to be at the end.  We will get through... either way... just hate to see her confused and upset... but grateful she trusts us enough to be obstinate at times.  We can work on that when we get home and have more ground behind us. 

We are looking forward to being home... in our own beds... in our own space.  
We are REALLY looking forward to introducing you all to our daughters.  They're amazing!!

With love,
The Taylors

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

US Consulate day, Pictures, and a first swim!

This morning we got up bright and early to head to the US Consulate.  We weren't allow to take cameras or phones in so there's no photo record of the process.  Basically we took an oath stating that all the info we gave them for the girls visa's was correct, etc.. It was good to see the US Flag there! We dressed the girls in their red white and blue. 

We did get a picture in front of the building.

Everyone was exhausted on the way back to the hotel.

Here we are.  The Taylors! Our little Family!! 

<3 <3 <3 <3 

Here is the most awesome travel group there ever was!! woot woot!

And here are all the babies/kiddos of the group!  This was a fun adventure getting a picture of them! hahaha

Our little girls.. in their traditional Chinese outfits!

My goodness, have you ever seen cuter kids?? No.. no you haven't! :-) 

Our buddy Jed wasn't in the picture taking mood today.

Yep, Emily was DONE with picture taking... she wouldn't stand up.

After nap time... we headed to the pool! Yippeeee!

Since Emily HATES baths, we figured she wouldn't like the pool either... she didn't but she did well.

Livvy did great! She has no fear! She was jumping off the side to me, loving every minute of it!

Sitting on the side of the pool was fun!

Nothing cuter than a little kiddo in a bathing suit!

We had a good day! Tomorrow we will receive our daughters visas and the we will be good to go for our trip home.  We don't leave here until really late Friday night here so we have a full free day tomorrow and most of Friday will be laid back, apart from packing.

We are REALLY looking forward to getting home and REALLY dreading the traveling! Prayers would be appreciated that the girls will do well and the other passengers wont be tortured. :-) 

Until tomorrow!
The Taylors