Tonight was the girls first parade. The annual Snyder lighted Christmas parade. 

Emily decided early on she wanted no part of it. She didn't know what was coming but if standing here looking at traffic was any indication...she preferred to throw a huge fit! :-)
Finally the lights came and they were captivated!

They even did some waving!

After the parade Santa landed in a helicopter! That was pretty impressive!
It was a fun "first" and Christmas has only just begun. Tonight after we got home I was watching the girls play and was thinking back to Rob's and my first meeting.... We've been so blessed in the 7 years we've been together! It gets better every single day! I can't express how amazing it is to be married to the man of my dreams! He's moved heaven and earth to make sure we have everything we were meant to have. So. Very. Blessed.
Tonight I tucked my daughters into bed (in my bedroom again but that's another story.).. I'm so richly blessed. I have every thing I wanted...and more.
It gets better every day, folks! So much better!
In awe and wonder.
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