Today we had our first "fun" family outing. We traveled 80 miles to Lubbock to the PanHandle South Plains Fair. As a little girl, I always LOVED the Fair. It came to town every fall and I always wanted to go. I waffled about whether the girls were too young to care but I think they really enjoyed all the sights and sounds. It was an adventure.

We went to the "freak show" tent, Rob and I were curious if they were the same as when we were little and they weren't, but I can tell Olivia will be our daredevil and Emily will be more timid. It was a bunch of fake stuff (ok, i didnt really think there would be a lady that was part elephant or a real mermaid in there... but it's funny either way) but Olivia was totally interested in each item, especially the sword swallowing lady. :-)

The girls had their first corn dogs... they LOVED them! Don't worry, I didn't let them get near the stick inside!

Here's our family pic right before the carousel ride!
I tell you what, when I was growing up the Fair seemed HUGE.. like right next to Six Flags huge... Turns out it's just a little old Fair.... bigger than anything in Snyder, TX for sure but so much smaller than I remember.
The girls loved looking at the animals. Future FFA'ers?? I don't know if this Mama can pull that off.
The petting zoo wasn't a big hit. Once Olivia touched the sheep, she didn't like the way it felt. And the goats had horns... no way were they touching those. Mama and Daddy did though..and the girls just laughed.
Next up was funnel cakes and cotton candy. I'll be thankful if there's no puking by morning! They didn't know what to think of either but after their first bite, they were hooked, not to mention a MESS! We opted for the Funnel Cake-on-a-stick thinking it would be less messy (hey their line was shorter too :-) ) but they were MORE messy... powdered sugar EVERYWHERE! Still fun though. No complaints and it beats the heck out of the scorpion-on-a-stick in Beijing! :-)
Emily didn't want any part of the cotton candy until i put a little taste in her mouth...
MMMMMMM.... delicious!!!
After all that terrible food we headed for the carousel. Emily wasn't too sure of it but Olivia LOVED it! She giggled and cheered the whole ride. P.S. back in the day this ride went a lot slower. It was the FASTEST Carousel I'd ever been on. Wasn't to easy to take pictures!
After all that fun we went by the mall to the play area to let the girls move around. They had fun for the 5 minutes I let them play, it was CRAZY there! Kids running around and wrestling. I knew one of my girlies was going to get run over. Of course no parents cared that it was too crazy so we opted out and headed back to Snyder.

It was REALLY a great day. It's amazing how quickly you start to get the hang of this parenting business. ;-) We are truly loving every minute, even the not-so-pleasant ones. It's so great watching the girls learn and explore each little thing. What an honor it is to watch them grow.
They're snoozing away after a busy day. Hoping the exhaustion will help them sleep a little later tomorrow. A girl can dream, right? :-)
The Taylors