Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Process

So, some of you may wonder about the process.  You hear/read that we're adopting from China and then no news... little news.... what the heck is happening.  Here's a quick run down of how it all works, just in case you were curious.

First you apply with your selected agency and you are deemed "eligible" for  adoption from China.  Criteria include age, financial status, weight, health, criminal background, etc.

Then begins the stage of being "paper pregnant" We begin the work to complete our "Dossier"
The paper chase is the longest stage and we are up to our eyeballs in paperwork.
I just thought the paperwork was intense for foster/adopt but alas.. this is a whole different beast! You gather all of your documents and information, have your home study done, and begin the "document sealing" process.  Here's what that involves.  Each and every document/piece of paper has to be notarized.  Everything from police reports, financials, birth certificates, and on and on.  After you get them notarized you send them to their respective Secretary of State.  So, my birth certificate gets sent to Florida, Rob's to Texas along with our marriage license, etc.  AFTER all of that comes back with the appropriate certifications it goes to the Chinese Consulate. The Chinese consulate "authenticates" ALLLLL of the documents and the you are close to done  The fun part is that most consulates do not accept mailed documents therefore, you must find a courier or walk them in yourself.   Are you wondering how in the world Jenn Taylor will get organized enough to accomplish all of this? Don't worry, I'm wondering too.  :-)

After our home study is done we can apply for our I800A, which is basically asking the US government for permission to adopt a child.  This takes some time.

Once we get our I800A and all of our documents "sealed" we are DTA (dossier to agency).  The agency then goes over everything with a fine tooth comb and then translates everything.  After that is complete we become DTC (dossier to China).  Now it's in China's hands.  They go through our dossier and approve us for adoption.

Some time in the mix before, during, or after DTC we will receive a "referral".  Essentially they will have a child that matches our profile and will call us with the info.  We will be given time to review the file and determine if he/she is OURS.  That's the tough part for me.  How do you determine something that important?  When I married Rob, I never doubted for a second that he was the man for me.  I'm hoping this will be the same.  The kicker is that we have to also consider if WE are BEST for him/her.  It's a slippery slope for sure!

It's huge, guys.  It's something bigger than anything I could've imagined.  At some point in the process you begin to realize the magnitude of it all.  163+million orphans in the world.  You're working on making it one less.  Somewhere in the middle you realize they're saving you far more than you could ever save them.  It's a beautiful, beautiful process.  I'm on the brink of tears most of each day.  It's exciting and it's LONG.

Keep on praying.  We need all we can get!

With Love and Hope!

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