Thursday, February 16, 2017

One month together!

Can you believe it has been a month?

One month ago... this.

In the last 30 days Henry has amazed us. He is smart, incredibly sweet, easy going, calm, has a hot temper, is giving, and is truly a gift from the Lord. He says "mama" and "dada" some days he's pretty vocal though I've no idea what he's saying. Haha. He brings so much joy to our lives it's hard to describe.

We have spent the last 30 days learning to be parents of THREE children. It's definitely different. It's challenging but really... the jump from 0-2 was much much harder than the jump from 2-3. We are learning. I am learning. We have ventured out a few times as a family of 5. It's been crazy and fun and surprisingly easy as well as down right difficult. Don't worry. We are tenacious. We will be doing it like pros in a flash! 😜

The main thing about having three kiddos is we see x 3 Every. Single. Day. How very blessed we are! It's hard to choke back the tears, hold them close enough, find the words to express how thankful we are that God entrusted us with these special blessings. I feel like I'm using way too many adjectives but sheesh y'all. It's absolutely, incredibly, wonderfully amazing! Sure, it's not all hugs and flowers, sunshine, and roses... some days are HARD. Some days I'm not sure which end is up or if I can recall my full name. Even so... no matter how mad I get at them for emptying the toy basket for the eighth time after I've put it up 7... no matter how frustrated I get for having to say "get back in the bed!", I look in those 3 sweet faces and my heart melts. I'm reminded of the gift I've been given.  My blood pressure calms down... my anger and frustration fade and all is right in our world.

So here we go... jumping head first into month two... and forever! 

Please continue to pray for all that becoming a family of 5 encompasses. 

We are so so grateful for your love and support! Thank you for cheering us on! 

With love and gratitude, 


Thursday, February 2, 2017

One week home.

It's been a fast, hard, wonderful, amazing week.

Rob and I both are sick 😷 sinuses yuck! I don't know if it's good ol west Texas or the pollution we breathed for two weeks. Either way we are sucking down the emergen-c and trying to push through.

Henry is adjusting well. We are struggling to sleep the though the night but getting better each night. He loves his sisters and watches their every move. He doesn't seem bothered by the dogs and loves Sharing his snacks. He's exploring all toys and trying to figure out what they all do.  He doesn't like the word "no" one bit. 😂 He's learning the floors here are not softly padded like the orphanage so when he throws himself back in response to "no" ... it doesn't feel great. He's such a wonderful kid. I couldn't have even known to ask for a gift so great. His laugh fills up my soul. His smile warms my heart. We have ventured out of the house a few times and he's capturing the hearts of everyone he meets. He loves being outside like his sisters. He thinks I make the best congee in the world... ok maybe I made that up....

Emily and Olivia are great helpers. Emily wants to hug and hold him often. Livvy... well she's not really sure. She likes to help with feedings and baths but she's struggling with how he affects her place in our hearts 💕. We keep reminding her that love multiplies. Our hearts get bigger and we love each other more! It's going to take time. We will get there. Slow and steady wins the race! I mean I guess it does... haha.

Rob and I are so thrilled to have three kids. It's a logistical challenge but I'm working on a rhythm. It's not nearly as hard as going from 0 to 2... this feels much much easier. Not easy... but easier than with the girls. Our hearts are full and proud and blessed beyond measure and we are humbled that God gave us these amazing kids to love and treasure.

Mom is "recovering ". She's been sick, probably finally came down with all the bugs the girls had while we were gone. We are so grateful for all that she did while we were gone! She's an amazing woman... I'm not sure she will volunteer again though hahaha.

Please continue to pray for us as we adjust and get to know each other and learn what being a family of 5 is like. Pray for the girls to be confident in their place in our hearts and in this family. Pray that Henry will continue to grow and get settled.

Your prayers have sustained us this far.... we are so so grateful for your love and support! Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts 💕

With love and gratitude.

Team Taylor