In the last 23 months I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Pretty much my wildest dreams x 1,000,000! I never would've dreamed God had MORE for us.
Let's back up. I've always wanted a big family but due to my "advanced maternal age" and fertility issues I didn't think that would ever happen. Then two years ago we dove in to parenting with two beautiful, perfect girls. Rob said "let's get two now because we are NOT going back to China." We joked on the way over there and I predicted HE would be the first to mention returning. It wasn't 24 hours into our trip that I overheard Rob tell a fellow adoptive parent "when we come back...." Ha! For some reason, from that moment, I knew we would be back. Then came the days and months...ehm...Year+ of being totally overwhelmed. This parenting gig is HARD! Amidst the "hard" We both felt the tug. We reasoned away that we weren't mentally ready or we weren't financially ready, or really "ready" at all. God saw things a little differently.
A Year or so ago I filled out our medical condition checklist ( which sort of puts you in line) and forgot about it. Then... One thing led to another... And without boring you for hours... we got a match and we have a SON!
It would take forever to share it all but, if you ever want the long story... Let's have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and I'll share the amazing journey in person. It's a good one. One that shows God answering prayers from one side of the globe to the other! One that connects us to people across this country. One that shows God doing what He does best! We are thrilled to add this sweet boy to our family.
Are we too old? Yep!
Are we crazy? Yep!
Either way... This is what God has called us to and we have jumped on board to grow our family the way HE orchestrated. We are thrilled to be in the middle of this adventure and hope you'll enjoying following along... again! :-)
So... Here's our sweet boy! Meet Henry Nash Taylor!
Our sweet guy is 11 months old and we are praying to get him home in January. That will depend on two governments. We are praying all goes smoothly and quickly and are already in the thick of the process. Our Dossier is almost complete. It was a little easier this go round because I've done it.
Home study approval is our hope for this week and getting documents authenticated. Pretty soon it should all kick in to gear! Can't wait!
This time around instead of bombarding all of facebook-land with updates we are going to have a closed facebook group where you can easily see what's going on. I'll put blog posts on there too. If you want to be added to the group, send me a message and i'll add you!
Here we go! We are excited for Team Taylor's next adventure!
In Awe,