Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I wrote a long long longgggggg post about this and then deleted it b/c it was long and sad and depressing. Consider yourself spared. :-) 


We are still waiting on Chi*a to get on with our paperwork God to write the next page of this story :-) This step has taken/ is taking much longer than we anticipated and we'll likely miss Emily's 2nd birthday because of it.  My heart aches. 

BUT... this is God's story to write and i'm learning a valuable lesson about trust/faith/patience.  (That's what i keep telling myself anyway)

Please keep us in your prayers.  We actually have LOTS to accomplish between now and then.  $$$ to raise, a home to prepare, and much much more. We WILL get there.  Eventually.

With hope and a smidge of frustration,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 40

I know it's been quiet around blogville but we are still waiting.  

This wait is the longest and toughest thus far. I've had to steer clear of some of the adoption facebook groups I'm on b/c it'll make you crazy trying to predict just how long it will be and then you see someone that's in front of you in line.. waiting longer than you thought possible... it's stressful.   We are at day 40.  Unfortunately, there's plenty in front of me well into the 50's.  I'd really hoped to have our LOA in our hand by day 50 at the LATEST.  That may not happen.  I KNOW that God has a plan and has the whole thing under control.  I'm a little slow in accepting that (no big surprise there).  From day one He has been perfect with timing, I just have to find it in me to trust the rest of the adventure.  That's a toughie. 

There's a myriad of emotions rolling around in my heart these days.  Unfortunately my family has gotten the brunt of that (sorry guys!).  I'm SO very excited and SO very scared all at the same time.  I know myself, I know how I react in situations, I'm trying to prepare myself.  It's hard though.  No matter how you picture it all, I know it will look different.  I spend a lot of time thinking about what "Gotcha Day" will be like for them.  I'll be a blubbering mess... no doubt, but while Rob and I are experiencing the most wonderful day of our life, our girls, will be experiencing one of the most traumatic of theirs.  They'll be ripped away from all that they know and forced into the arms of this couple that looks nothing like them... all the while this lady they call "Mommy" can't quit crying. LOL See why I haven't blogged? 

In all seriousness Rob and I pray for their transition every. single. day.  We've sent them both care packages filled with pictures and other goodies. We pray that supernaturally they will know us.  That when they see our face in real life there will be some familiarity. I know it's going to be a process.  Thankfully they're both in orphanages that have a reputation for going the extra mile in preparing the children in their care.

We are "nesting" like mad.  Trying to get the house in order.  I've had this crazy urge to get rid of everything not being used.  I'm going through room by room and our last project will be putting the girls room together. I'm really looking forward to that project.  Until then, there are floors to clean, closets to organize, and a garage sale to be had! It's slowly coming together. My mom and I look at clothes at every store we go in and usually buy something on sale.  Problem is... we have NO idea what size they'll be wearing.  Haha. We will get an update after LOA and hopefully we will have a better idea.  Think i can learn to sew between now and August?  

Time is getting away from us, we are so very close at this point.  We know that (most likely) we are approximately 10 weeks from Gotcha Day after we get our LOA (barring some terrible slow down in one of the other steps or something hitting a holiday)... That, my friends, is going to fly by QUICKLY.  Well, I'd better get off here and get busy getting ready for these kiddos! :-) 

Thank you for continuing to pray for us and our adventures.  Thank you for the love and support that is continually shown! 

With Love and Hope,
Jenn & Rob